June 15, 2024

[27] Saivacoi Term (jan 10, 1907 – jan 10, 1923)


27th Tsĩvgalè
The Tsĩvgalèploi term of Javik Saivacoi (Jasik Sa'iivacoi). He was a part of the Yísulv party.

Saivacoi was the longest legally serving Tsĩvgalè in Oipientian history, serving 3 terms (a total of 16 years).

In the short three and a half months at the start of his tsivgaleploi before the outbreak of the 4th Hells War, Saivacoi reveresed almost all of the Tothek-era legislation and quickly pushed for new progressive and conservative laws to be ratified. Then the war broke out and his public opinion rose to near 95% because of his choice to fight on the side of Xeeri.

He returned the Rextèxec Reforms such as the 16 hour work day (not regulated during the 4th Hells War but there was no backlash for it), women working industrial jobs and jobs in general (more women worked industrial jobs than men for the first time in Oipienta during the 4th Hells War), children ages 10 and below are banned from working (this was reintroduced as 12 and below but 11-12 year olds were illegally allowed to work during the 4th Hells War), required education for 5-14 year olds (later updated to 4-18 year olds after the war). The return to these reforms made Saivacoi extremely popular among Oipientians, esepcially women who were no longer barred from voting. He also lowered the voting age from 20 to 16 because of the large amount of young soldiers (he argued in the Senate that boys can fight and die for them legally but not vote for who they want in power). He was considered the greatest Tsĩvgalè in Oipientian history because of his immense popularity, handling of the Great Oipientian Depression (even though it did not hugely improve until the war, Saivacoi made sure not to worsen it), his handling of the 4th Hells war, as well as his social reforms and anti-Tothek governance.

Ethnicity: Ravosii-Oipientian (born in Pra-Linime)
Oipientian Conservative

Added to timeline:


jan 10, 1907
jan 10, 1923
~ 16 years