April 1, 2024

Armenian Genocide (apr 24, 1915 – jan 1, 1918)


During the 15th century, Armenia was absorbed into the Ottoman Empire, which was ruled by Muslims. Since Armenians were the first nation accept Christianity as the state religion, they were seen as "second class citizens." This meant Armenians had to pay higher taxes than the Muslims, and were not granted the right to vote. By the end of the 1800's, the Armenians demanded basic rights and equality. In response, the Sultan Talaat Pasha massacred the Armenians. In 1908, a new government came to power, known as the Young Turks. This group of reformers overthrew the Sultan, and wanted all groups to be treated equally. By 1912, the Ottoman Empire had lost 75% of its European territories. The Young Turks quickly became extremely nationalistic out of fear the empire would collapse. In response, "Turkey for the Turks" spread, as they wanted to "Turkify" the empire. As World War One began, the Turks entered the war on the side of Germany, in hopes to defeat their age-old enemy, the Russians. Once they lost the war, Armenians became the scapegoat. Turks believed Armenians were working with the Russians, who were also Christians. This led to Armenians being forced from their homes and sent on death marches to the desert. The Young Turks then created the "Special Organization" to carry out the liquidation of Armenians. Within three years, around 1.5 million Christian Armenians perished.

Added to timeline:

17 Jan 2018
Major Genocides Since the 20th Century


apr 24, 1915
jan 1, 1918
~ 2 years and 8 months



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