June 15, 2024

The Larfin Protests (apr 5, 1505 – may 25, 1505)


Protests to increase the power in Larifien. They protested to change Larifien from a Bomofi to an Aplinaro. The citizens of the Larifien Bomofi rioted in Brarith and took the Bom of Larifien, Bom Svaus Ovkan, hostage. The rioters forced him to sign the Brarith Teskyuvem which was a document that limited the power of Bom of Larifien and gave more freedoms and powers to the citizens themselves. The Brarith Tesyuvem was one of the first democratic-like documents in Javicia. When news of the signing reached Emperor Hiera I Falkot of Javicia, he visited the Bomofi and signed the Larifien Accord, a document that officially split the Larifien Bomofi into the Mokhav Larifien Kurẽši (Duchy) and the Yèskgvo Larifien Kurẽši. The decision to split the Larifien Bomofi was extremely contreversial in the new duchies but it proved to have worked to settle the violence in Brarith.

Added to timeline:


apr 5, 1505
may 25, 1505
~ 1 months and 20 days