June 15, 2024

Reign of Zoe Porphyrogenita (nov 11, 1028 – jun 11, 1050)


Zoë Porphyrogenita (c. 978 – 11 June 1050) reigned as Byzantine Empress from 11 November 1028 until her death in 1050.

At the time of her birth, Zoë's father, Constantine VIII, was nominal co-emperor to his brother Basil II. Basil died when Zoë was 47, leaving the Byzantine throne entirely to her father. As he had no sons, Constantine hoped to continue the dynasty by marrying off one of his daughters. Zoë, aged 50, was married to Romanos Argyros. They took the throne the next day on her father's death.

The marriage of Zoë and Romanos III was troubled, and after five years Romanos was found dead in his bath. His death has been variously attributed to Zoë, her young lover, or both. They were married on the same day as the supposed murder, and he was crowned Emperor Michael IV on the following day. Seven years later, Zoë was persuaded to adopt her dying husband's nephew, Michael Kalaphates.

Once Michael V became emperor, he promptly exiled Zoë. This action sparked a popular revolt which dethroned him and installed Zoë and her sister Theodora III as joint empresses. After a two-month joint reign Zoë married a former lover who was installed as Constantine IX, transferring power to him. Eight years later, Zoë died aged 72.

Added to timeline:


nov 11, 1028
jun 11, 1050
~ 21 years
