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April 1, 2024

Gregory XVI (feb 2, 1831 – jun 1, 1846)


Took action against the slave trade, secret societies, the revolutionary movements, liberalism, religious indifferentism, and civil marriages.

Canonized St. Veronica Giuliani, a Franciscan mystic who was told by Our Lord in a vision that devotion to her would remain unknown until the Church and the Faith were in a time of great danger, and St. Philomena, a young martyr whose relics were found in the Roman catacombs and who was totally unknown to history. The unique cause for her canonization was entirely reliant upon the numerous miracles attributed to her relics and intercession. (Her feast day would later by removed from the liturgical calendar in 1960 due to criticisms that there was no historical record of her life)

Added to timeline:


feb 2, 1831
jun 1, 1846
~ 15 years