April 1, 2024

Hitler Becomes Fuhrer (aug 2, 1934 – aug 2, 1934)


Description: Hitler became Fuhrer as soon as presidents Hindenburg’s death. He didn’t waste any time in him becoming powerful over Germany. Hitler becoming Fuhrer was another step into his plan.
Cause 1: Hitler become Fuhrer when the previous president of Germany died. He had been planning before his death that It would be an opportunity to get total power in Germany. He capitalized on his death and received the position in power over all of Germany.
Cause 2: even before the previous president died Hitler had been planning ways to get in power as chancellor/fuhrer. Over time in the position he was in beforehand he had been getting the people in Germany to trust him and choose him as leader.
Effect 1: Hitler becoming Fuhrer had so many effects on the whole world even, it led to basically ww2 itself. He started killing and arresting his political opponents then went on with his plans on attacking and trying to take over many other nations and world domination.
Effect 2: Hitler had the effect of killing millions and millions of people. He killed around six million Jews and an estimated 250,000 gypsies in the holocaust. He killed many other people: political dissidents, homosexuals, Slavs, disabled people and many other people that seemed unacceptable to the Nazis.

Added to timeline:

21 Feb 2020
WW2 timeline


aug 2, 1934
aug 2, 1934
~ 0 min
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