// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. England, America (jan 1, 1837 – jan 1, 1901) (Timeline)
April 1, 2024

England, America (jan 1, 1837 – jan 1, 1901)


"The Victorian age was a dynamic period"
Epoch of expansion - Britian
The british empire reached its heights
Queen Victora.
Widending gaps between the social classes - rich and poor.
Great Britain - centre of world power
London grew rapidly
Technological changes made the delivery of a multitude of newspapers.

Novel - most important genre
Writers - depict the contemporary world, as they saw it.
Social realism
Readers could relate and identiry
"the women question", the womens role in society was discussed. Womens rights were few.
The literature captured the bad living standards of the women.

American literature - Dramatic events
Civil war, slavery, immigration and expansion were subjects of writing. American English began.

Added to timeline:

10 Jan 2020


jan 1, 1837
jan 1, 1901
~ 64 years