September 30, 2024
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APAH Timeline
24 Jan 2018
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Apollo 11 stone Quartzite Nambia
Anthropomorphic Stele Sandstone Saudi Arabia
Terracotta Fragment (Lapita) Ceramic Lapita
Moai on platform Volcanic tuff figures Rapa Nul
Female Deity wood Nukuara Microesia
Staff God Wood tape fiber and feathers Rarotonga Island
‘Ahu ‘ula (feather cape) Feathers and other fibers Hawaii
Jade Cong jade China
Camelid Sacrum in the shape of a canine bone Mexico
Ambum Stone greywacke Papua New Guinea
Beaker with ibex motif Painted terra cotta Iran
Running Horned Woman Pigment on rock Algeria
Great hall of bulls cave Lascaux
Stonehenge bluestone, sarsen sandstone, Whilshire England
Nan Madol Basalt boulders and prismatic columns Microesia
Tlatilco Female Figurine ceramic with pigment Tlatilco
Tamati Waka Nene oil on canvas Gottfired Lindauer
Buk (mask) Turtle shell fiber feathers wood shells Torres Strait
Hiapo (tapa) tapa cloth freehand painting Nlue
Navigation Chart wood fiber shell Marshall Islands
Malagan display and mask Wood pigment fiber and shell Papua New Guinea
Presentation of Fijian mats and tapa cloths to Queen Elizabeth II Multimedia performance Fiji Polynesia
All-T’oqapu Tunic Camelid fiber and cotton Inka
Bandolier Bag beadwork on leather Lenape
Transformation Mask Wood, paint and string Kwakwaka’wakw, Northwest coast of Canada
Painted Elk Hide Attributed to Cotsiogo (Cadzi Cody) Eastern Shoshone, Wind River Reservation, Wyoming
Black on black ceramic vessel Blackware ceramic Maria Martinez and Julian Martinez Tewa, Puebloan, San Ildefonso Pueblo, New Mexico
Ruler’s feather headdress (probably of Motecuhzoma II) Feathers (quetzal and cotinga) and gold Mexica (Aztec)
City of Cusco Andesite Central highlands, Peru
Maize Cobs
Maize Cobs Sheet metal/repousse, metal alloy Inka
City of Machu Picchu Granite Central highlands, Peru. Inka
Chavin de Huantar Stone, granite, hammered gold alloy (jewelry) Northern highlands, Peru. Chavin
Mesa Verde Cliff dwellings Sandstone Coloado US
Yaxchilan Limestone Chiapes, Mexico, Maya
Great Serpent Mound Earthwork Adams County Southern Ohio
Templo Mayor Stone Tenochtitlan (Mexico City)
167 Conical Tower of Zimbabwe Coursed granite blocks Sotheastern Zimbabwe
168 Great Mosque of Djenne Adobe Mali
169 Wall Plaque from Oba’s Palace Cast Brass Nigeria
172 Nkisi n’kondi (Power Figure) wood and metal Kongo Peoples
170 Sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool) Gold over wood and cast-gold attachments Ashanti peoples (south central Ghana)
187 Folio from a Qur’an Ink, color and gold on parchment Arab, North Africa or Near East
173 Female (Pwo) mask Wood, fiber, pigment and metal Chokwe peoples (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
171 Ndop (portrait figure) of King Mishe myShyaang maMbul wood Dominican republic of the Kongo
183 The Kaaba Granite masonry, covered with silk curtain and calligraphy in gold and silver wrapped thread. Mecca, Saudi Arabia
178 Aka Elephant mask Wood,raffia,,cloth,bead Bamilkie
177 Lukasa (memory board) Wood,beads,metal mbudye
179 Reliquary figure (byeri) Wood Fang Peoples
185 Dome of the Rock Stone masonry with wooden roof decorated with glazed ceramic tiles, mosaics and gilt and aluminum and bronze dome Jerusalem, Islamic Umayyad dynasty
182 Buddha Cut rock with plaster and polychrome paint Bamiyan Afghanistan; Gandharan
174 Portrait mask (Mblo) Wood and pigment Baule peoples (Cote d’Ivoire)
180 Veranda post of enthroned king and senior wife (Opo Ogoga) Wood Pigment Olowe of Ise (artist)
188 Basin (Baptistère de St. Louis) Granite masonry, covered with silk curtain and calligraphy in gold and silver wrapped thread. Mohammed ibn al-Zain
184 Jowo Rinpoche Gilt metals with semi precious stones, pearls and paint, various offerings Lhasa, Tibet Yarlung Dynasty
181 Petra, Jordan: Treasury and Great Temple cut rock Nabataean Ptolemaic and Roman
176 Ikenga (shrine figure) Wood Igbo Peoples
175 Bundu Mask Wood,cloth, fiber Sande Society
186 Great Mosque (Masjid-e Jameh) Stone, brick, wood, plaster and glazed ceramic tile Isfahan, Iran. Islamic, Persian Seljuk, Il-Khanid, Timurid and Safavid Dynasties
13 Palette of King Narmer 3000-2920 BCE slate Egypt
22 Akhenaton, Nefertiti and Three Daughters 1353-1335 BCE limestone Amarna, Egypt
190 The Court of the Gayumars, folio from Shah Tahmasp’s Shahnama Ink, opaque watercolor and gold on paper Sultan Muhammad
23 Tutankhamun’s Tomb, innermost coffin 1323 BCE Gold and semiprecious stones Egypt
24 Last judgment of Hu-Nefer from Book of the Dead 1275 BCE Papyrus scroll Egypt
26 Athenian Agora 600 BCE - 150 CE Land, (plan/design) Greece
28 Peplos Kore from the Acropolis 530 BCE Marble, paint Greece
12 White temple and its ziggurat 3517-3358 BCE Stone (temple) mud brick (ziggurat) Uruk, (Modern Iraq)
27 Anavysos Kouros 530 BCE Marble, paint Greek
25 Lamassu 720-705 BCE Alabaster Iraq
189 Bahram Gur Fights the Karg, folio from the Great Il-Khanid Shahnama Ink and opaque watercolor, gold and silver on paper Islamic; Persian
21 Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut 1473-1458 BCE Sandstone, partially carved rock cliff, red granite Luxor, Egypt
15 Seated Scribe 2620-2500 BCE Painted limestone, copper, Saqqara, Egypt
14 Votive statues from the Square Temple at Eshnunna 2700 BCE Gypsum, alabaster, shell, limestone Sumerian Eshnunna (Iraq)
16 Standard of Ur 2600-2400 BCE Shell, lapis lazuli, red limestone Sumerian; Mesopotamia (Iraq)
17 Great Pyramids of Giza Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure 2550-2490 BCE limestone Egypt
18 King Menkaure and Queen 2490-2472 BCE Greywacke Egypt
19 Code of Hammurabi 1792-1750 BCE basalt Susian (modern Iran)
20 Temple of Amun Re and Hypostyle Hall 1550 BCE; 1250 BCE (hall) Sandstone, mudbrick Egypt
29 Sarcophagus of the Spouses 520 BCE Terra cotta Etruscan (Italy)
30 Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xerxes 520-465 BCE Limestone Persepolis, Iran
35 Acropolis Iktinos and Kallikrates 447-410 BCE Marble Athens
31 Temple of Minerva and Apollo sculpture 510-500 BCE Wood, mud brick, tufa; terra cotta (sculpture) Veii (near Rome)
33 Niobides Krater 460-450 BCE Clay, red figure technique Greece
34 Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) Polykleitos 450-440 BCE Marble (Roman copy) Bronze (original) Greece
32 Tomb of the Triclinium 480-470 BCE Tufa and fresco Tarquinia, Italy
37 Winged Victory of Somathrace 190 BCE marble Hellenistic Greece
38 Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon 175 BCE Marble Hellenistic Greece Asia Minor (Turkey)
39 House of the Vettii 2nd century BCE, rebuilt 62-79 CE Stone and fresco Pompei, Italy
40 Alexander Mosaic from the House of the Faun 100 BCE Mosaic Republican Roman; Pompeii
36 Grave Stele of Hegeso 410 BCE Marble and paint Kallimachos
41 Seated Boxer 100 BCE Bronze Hellenistic Greek
44 Colosseum 70-80 CE Stone and concrete Rome, Italy
46 Pantheon 118-125 CE Concrete and stone facing Imperial Roman
42 Head of Roman Patrician 75-50 BCE marble Republican Roman
43 Augustus of Primaporta Early 1st Century CE Marble Imperial Roman
45 Forum of Trajan 106-112 CE Column completed 113 CE Brick, concrete, marble Apollodorus of Damascus Rome, Italy
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47 Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus 250 CE Marble Late Imperial Roman
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