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Google Plus Social Sentiment Tracking
15 Jul 2022
Created by
Danielle Oser
Google Plus
Danielle Oser
14 Jul 2022
I just need to share this awesome G+ Photos experience
G+ shutting down
Long time lurker. First post since G+ died
Did you ever hear, the Tragedy, of Google Plus, the small?
I underappreciated G+ and now I wish I could go to the rp and shit post days.
Why does reddit hate G+ so much?
Google+ class action starts paying out $2.15 for G+ privacy violations
Google+ ...it still sucks, right?
Youtube through the Years and Google+ Sucks
Google+ to Shutdown in 10 Months - Where will the RPG Content Go?
YouTube co-founder: 'why the fuck do i need a google+ account to comment?'
The hard numbers behind Google Plus : An analysis of over half a million profiles show 90% have never posted publicly.
This sums up how the Google+ and YouTube integration went.
Google shuts failed social network Google+
Backlash against Google Plus is now too big to ignore
ELI5: Google +. What, Why?
Inside the failure of Google+, a very expensive attempt to unseat Facebook
Google Plus, the fastest growing social network!
A good explanation of why Google + never took off
What, exactly, makes Google+ a terrible product?
I miss google plus.
Seen in the Google app. Yes, I suppose it is useful right now. #RIPGooglePlus
Weird to have this email from Google. “Thank you for your brilliant creative communities but we are going to crush you because we just don’t care”. I think that sums it up #RipGooglePlus
I spent most of 2011-2012 in client meetings asking myself "when will this end?" Finally it's happening. #RIPGooglePlus
RIP Google + ... you had a good run there for a while, but it was time. @socialbakers #RIPgoogleplus #digitalmedia
Twitter is slowly becoming Google+, with circles, collections ( moments ) and communities
Google's brilliant messaging strategy: 2005: Google Talk 2011: Google+ Hangouts 2013: Google Hangouts 2016: Google Allo 2016: Google Duo 2017: Google Hangouts Meet 2018: Google Hangouts Chat 2021: Google Chat
On this day in 2011, Google+ was introduced as an invite-only beta.
This one is a Twitter like service for Google+ Check this out : http://postsonplus.com #IloveGooglePlus http://fb.me/JjqpeIUo
I think that Google+ should be way more popular then Google+ now is! #ilovegoogleplus
#IHateGooglePlus Support Your Hatred for Google+ here! Comment if it ruined you're YouTube xperience as well. :(
Just set up a new Google + page for the blog. Kinda diggin' it over there. #googleplusrocks
the google+ (plus) games are awesome!! #ILoveGooglePlus
The new interface of #GooglePlusSucks It is unfriendly and things out of place :(
Google+ Merger is Hell and an Update: http://youtu.be/6iTuL9n_a7s #GoogleplusSucks
When the hell did Facebook descend into MySpace levels of crappy "Girls want to Meet YOU now!!!" adverts? #ilovegoogleplus
testing Google+ new #hangouts FXs. #SuperCool #google never cease to surprise me with its products. Leave @facebook y'all #GooglePlusRocks
HEY WORLD, GOOGLE LIES FREQUENTLY. remember this? "oh no facebook beat us to something..." #social #googleplussucks
Google+ users avg 5.5 minutes on site, Facebook users 6.5 hours: #social #media #googleplussucks
Anybody use Google+? How is Google responsible for such a useless platform? I believe it was built by monkeys. #googleplussucks
OMG Yet another place I'll b forced to use Google+. #GooglePlusSucks
Google+ walking dead? They wish! #GooglePlusRocks
#SMWF how many of you are ACTIVE on Google+? Personally and for your brand? #ILOVEGooglePlus
Nice! Rel=Author's working #ilovegoogleplus #GooglePlus http://yfrog.com/oc19283223j
Google+ is crossing the line. Again. #IHateGooglePlus
Google Plus circles you can actually use: http://bit.ly/pW7Yqj #Bwahaha #GooglePlusSucks
Was just on my gmail when I stumbled upon Google+. I've never exited a page so fast before #googleplussucks
People using Google+ starts with you. #ilovegoogleplus
So whats up world so really looking foward to getting on google plus yay!!!!#googleplusrocks
#Google+ populates my calendars w birthdays of people who added me to their circles, but I haven't followed back. #GooglePlusSucks #goaway
Google/ YouTube integration. Get ready for even more of it #youtubedown #GooglePlusSucks
Dear @YouTube Please change this whole thing with google+ because #ihategoogleplus
Social Media Users Happier With Google+ Than With Facebook #googleplusrocks #Iagree #socialmedia
For all those G+ haters out there... "Google+ Strengthens Social Position w 9,400 Percent Growth" | http://buff.ly/X46rOp #GooglePlusRocks!
Had on Awesome hang-out w/ my friends tonight, and a brief cool one w/ @FilmmakersGuide !! #GooglePlusRocks
3 way chats are the bomb! #googleplusrocks
A product that makes me feel furious and disgusted every time I try to use it: @Google Plus. #IHateGooglePlus #GooglePlusSucks
Ok FINE. FINE. I can't TAKE it anymore. I will use Google+. Are you happy Google? Are ya?! #ihategoogleplus #peerpressure @Hassanmirza
.@dialoglk Not user friendly, layout confusing/ugly, looks like kindergarten experiment, posts randomly appear/disappear. #GooglePlusSucks!
G+: "This post was originally shared with a limited audience - remember to be thoughtful about who you share it with" #ILoveGooglePlus
I hate Google and it's stupid face for everything. :| #WHYLINKEVERYTHINGTOGETHER #ihategoogleplus
Google has an interesting idea: Let something flourish, and then completely destroy it. Proof, Google plus. Prove me wrong. #IhateGoogleplus
I really hate Google +. Talk about no privacy for my blogs and blog pictures! #ihategoogleplus #noprivacy
Google plus has finally fucked up youtube! Ruined the comments! #IHateGooglePlus!
#Google + is now promoted in ad slots for brand searches? Did I miss this? #ppcchat #seo #ihategoogleplus
What is Google+ Really all About? by @basvandenbeld http://bit.ly/rnOxnr @stateofsearch #GooglePlus #GooglePlusSucks
Is there anything in the world more frustrating than setting up a Google Plus account? #GooglePlusSucks
@aharpaz I hate visiting Google Plus cause it reminds me I'm banned. So I'm creating a new hashtag #GooglePlusSucks
This is pathetic. I no longer get comment notifications for my Youtube videos in my YOUTUBE INBOX. #googleplussucks
I'm not allowed to reply on my own video?!?! WTF @YouTube !! #GooglePlusSucks!
I still miss @google Plus....it was incredible and held so much potential. Google+>Twitter>Facebook I should start a petition to bring it back. Give the people what they want @madebygoogle #googleplus #google
Alphabet Inc. has officially shut down its social networking platform Google Plus, and rebranded the apps on both Google Play Store, as well as, Apple App Store to 'Google Currents'. #google #googleplus
Google is opening up their first retail store ever in New York City. I guess that means we can count on the store closing down in about 18 months or so. #googleglass #googlebuzz #googleplus #googlewave #picasa
Google+ finally dies, makes way for Google Currents for G Suite users #Google #Currents #GooglePlus h
The lifecycle of tech is a short burst of sometimes amazing products and oftentimes of things that didn't catch up the momentum. #GooglePlus was shut down for the public last year. Now G Suite users of G+ are being migrated to Google Currents. The cycle continues
it's been a year today since they threw us out of this site. I have good memories after spending full 4 years on it, and it was a really good site, unlike what they said (those that hated it usually didn't even use it) and it will not be forgotten. #googleplus #gplus
Forced Google Plus integration on YouTube backfires, petition hits 112000 - ZDNet
Google Plus: Too Much Unnecessary Drama - ZDNet
Kim's Take: Google shuts down Google Plus - http://Komando.com - Komando
The Top Social Networks to Send Your Google Plus Community To - Business 2 Community
Facebook to Google Plus: Why 2018 was a nightmare for social media sites
In Memoriam: The Rise, Fall & Death of Google Plus business #marketing #OnlineMarketing #entrepreneur #VideoMarketing #businessman #BusinessModel #biz #entrepreneurship #seo #searchengineoptimization #sem #emarketing #InternetMarketing #Emai
4 Lessons to Learn from the Failure of Google Plus https://buff.ly/2Qz0rEN #leadership #entrepreneurs #opportunities
With Google Plus due to shut down soon for consumers, will you be upset to see it go?
Google Is Shutting Google Plus Four Months Early, After 5.3 Crore User's Data Leak
OK, I did it - canceled/deleted my Google Plus account. Never really did much with it anyway. I wonder why I had it in the first place. What about you?
Google Plus: “We discovered a bug in our security model which might have enabled over-sharing, so we’re shutting the whole thing down.” Facebook: “We monetized some bugs in our security model by selling access to Cambridge Analytica, designed a big bunch of new bugs for Yahoo.”
google_plus: Google+ (2013). Snapshot of connections among users of Google+, collected in 2012. Nodes are users and a directed edge (i,j) represents user i added user j to i's circle. 211187 nodes, 1506896 edges.
Wait, did they steal that feature from Google Plus ? Google Plus ?
Twitter is borrowing the circles idea from google plus. I am both super chuffed and a bit sad to see this - chuffed because this increases likelihood of me having more nuanced conversations with a smaller focused group on a topic and sad because this means that I might miss out
Google Plus had this as a feature. I’m pretty sure they called it circles.
Twitter adding circles we really are on Google plus 2
Google plus had more than 100 MILLION active users! Still, it wasn’t able to pose a threat to Facebook and had to be SHUT DOWN. Their vision was flawed. Read on for a story (a thread
RWJ Hates Google Plus
My Thoughts on Google+
Bob Army VS Google Plus
Google is Finally Dismantling Google Plus - Hell Yeah!
Dan Rants - Google Plus Sucks
Google Plus sucks!! YouTube comments suck! What happened?!?! :'(
Google Plus Sucks!!! Congrats, Google. You ruined the comments section.
google plus sucks
Why Google Plus Sucks
Google Plus SUCKS. My google+ rant. Share this video with everyone you know!
Why Google+ Sucks
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