September 30, 2024
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Edexcel A level Germany timeline
24 May 2022
Created by
Matthew Allen
The great war begins in Europe
Kapp Putsch
Treaty of Versailles signed
Weimar Republic created
Spartacist Uprising
Munich Putsch
Bavaria is declared a Soviet Republic
Ruhr Uprising
First Battle of Marne
First Battle of Ypres
Second battle of Ypres
Battle of Loos
Battle of Verdun
Battle of the Somme
Second battle of Marne
Fredrich Ebert is President
Hindenburg made president
Ebert dies
Ebert Groener pact signed
DAP renames to the NSDAP (NAZI) party
Hitler Becomes leader of NSDAP
Hitler arrest for assault
Philipp Scheidemann is chancellor
Ruhr invasion and Hyperinflation
Rentenmark introduced
Gustav Stresemann chancellor
Grand Coalition made
Rapallo treaty
Dawes plan
Locarno pact
Kellogg Briand Pact
Young plan signed
Germany enters League of Nations
Treaty of Berlin signed
Great Depression
Hoover Moratorium
Nazi's becomes largest party in the Reichstag
SA founded
Bruning appointed chancellor
Von Papen appointed chancellor
Schleicher made Chancellor
Hitler becomes chancellor
Reichstag fire
Enabling act
Decree for protection of people and state
Night of the long knives
Dachau established
Hindenburg Dies
Hitler becomes Fuhrer
All political parties banned
Abolished of the Lander
Reich labour service created
Olympic games held in Germany
Nuremburg laws first introduced
Pearl Harbour invasion
French Surrender
Evacuation of British troops from Dunkirk
Operation Barbarossa, German invasion of USSR
Defeat at the battle of Stalingrad
D day
Liberation of Auschwitz
Creation of Auschwitz
Hiroshima bombing
Nagasaki bombing
Hitler commits suicide
Germany surrenders
The final solution begins
Nazis create the Nazi teachers union
Hitler youth created
Nazi burning of the books
Reichskulturkammer (RKK) created
Boycotting of Jewish shops began
July bomb plot
White rose movement ends in beheading
White rose movement begun
Concordat signed with Pope
Reich church created
Edelweiss Pirates created
Conscription + rearmemant introduced
Gestapo created
SS created
Berlin wall set up
Willy Brandt resigned
Green party formed
FRG grand coalition
Fall of the Berlin wall
KPD and SPD merge
Truman Doctrine
Marshall plan
"Bizonia" (The US and British parts of Germany) created
Cold war begins
Berlin blockade
Deutschmark created
FRG created
Korean war
Treaty of Paris, FRG joins council of Europe and Coal and steel community
Creation of European coal and steel community
Equalisation of burdens act
East Germany uprising
FRG joins Nato
KPD banned
Treaty of Rome
Ludwig Erhard becomes chancellor
Adenauer chancellor
Formation of the APO
Stabilisation law
Willy Brandt chancellor
Red army faction created
Travel permitted between East and West Berlin
FRG basic treaty created (with GDR)
First Oil crisis, Guest Workers banned
107 Nazis elected to Reichstag, begin to get a lot of votes
GDR set up
Reichsrat abolished
"Council for Defence of the Reich" set up Abolished in Nov 1939
USSR leaves the Allied Council
NATO created
First Elections held in Bundestag
FRG is (one of) founding members of EEC (European coal + steel community)
Article 131 added (ex-Nazis allowed in government)
"Grand Coalition" of CDU/CSU/SDP formed
Emergency Law passed
Ostpolitik meetings with the GDR
Helmut Kohl appointed
GDR relaxes travel bans 161,000 people apply to emigrate
Munich Olympics terrorist attacks
Last Major APO demonstration
The leaders of Baader-Meinhof gang are arrested
Goebells controls all radio
Nazi Schoolbooks banned
Umemployment reaches 30% of population
Second Oil crisis
Passive resistance in the Ruhr ends
Reichmark introduced
Stresemann dies
BFV set up
BND set up
GSG-9 hostage rescue
BEFA set up
Strength Through Joy set up
Nuremburg Trials commence
First 4 year plan created
DAF (German Labour Front) Created
Autobahns begin to be built
"T4 campaign" killed disabled children
"T4 campaign" extends to all old/ sick people 70,000 killed
Central Planning board set up
Ludwig Erhard becomes Director of economics
Wage and price fixing abolished
Economic Recession in FRG, Guest Workers decrease
Money allowed to be moved between Lander
Marriage cross introduced
Married women banned from working in civil service
Marriage and Family Law finally gave Women equal marriage rights
"Metropolis" Released
Mass Book burning
First Jewish Ghetto set up in Poland
Hitler writes 25 Point Programme
Mein Kampf is released
Nazis remilitarise the Rhineland
World war one
Bavaria's soviet republic
Great Depression
4 year plan
World War 2
The Berlin Airlift
The Baader-Meinhof Gang robs banks
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