2019/11/18 Big party with the main active players on there at
42.420 69 69.420
All players gets insane speed and 0bop spawns a strange wither
Some story of the highway
wutangpanda posts about a new highway group starting to mine x+ highway to worldborder.
2020/07/16 The highway group lead by wutangpanda reaches 7m.
2020/07/24 joiverx joins the wutgangpanda highway group
at about 8 mil and starts to become the only person mining at 10 mil
2020/08/01 joiverx insides and nukes the biggest highway group. Getting admin with the plan to inside while the leader wutgangpanda is on a school trip. Because many people didnt like him as a leader he did nothing.
2020/08/01 joiverx after doing most (Other people helped but joiverx did more then most of the mining) of the mining
he reached 15 mil checkpoint. Where there was a worldedit from 2b2t. And posted it on reddit. In the reddit post wutangpanda cries about the nuke while joiverx adds a invite link on the post.
2020/08/01 joiverx makes The Highway Makers & Dickers group. That build a good bit of the obisidan highway and mined both at x+.
08/21/2020 joiverx sends all the members to gSpot+ after not being very active and being the only one really mining to the highway. Sends the members that builds highway to a highway builder group (gSpot+) and wipes the Highway Makers & Dickers group.
(I am not sure when the Highway Makers & Dickers hit 20 mil but belive it was before joiverx sent all the members to gspot)
2021/10/28 After not playing 0b0t for a long time joiverx finds a highway mining tool that would help and make the mining process way more easy. joiverx starts playing 0b0t again and starts to mine from about 22m to worldborder. All mining groups essentially dead.
2021/11/12 joiverx reaches 27m checkpoint with a mapart made by flankemonk and a few other players.