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BYU The Classical Tradition 1: Antiquity to the Renaissance CL CV 201 Test #2 Timeline

Category: Other
Updated: 17 Nov 2019
Historical events and people covered in Test #2 Persian War, Peloponnesian War/power struggles, Alexander the Great Persian Kings = Orange *Persian War Battles = Green Peloponnesian War/power struggles = Yellow Important greek historical figures = Blue *Alexander The Great Battles = Purple *dates that need to be memorized are in red Please not that most dates are not accurate to exact days. Jan 1st is used as a default because I cannot disable the day-month section and in most cases the exact dates are not known. Years are all that is required to be memorized. The Peloponnesian War events that state when Sparta was the strongest and when Thebes was the strongest are estimates. The order is the important thing to remember. I have included some of my notes in the event descriptions. This is a supplement to the term list, and does not cover all necessary terms for the test.


Created byDanika v

