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10 Nov 2019
Created by
Tanika Montgomery
Life milestone time line
Tanika Montgomery
15 Oct 2019
Begin grad school
Begin working with Foster Kids-
left job at the hospital
started working partime at a Psychological office
Met fiancee'
My birthday
first memory Birthday party
Trauma Molested at 7 years old
first encounter with Christ.
Enters the foster care system
First kiss from another foster care kid
first sucide attempt with pills/ depression at a high
Move in with biological father
Mom marries step father.
Introduced to Marijauna
introduced to alcohol
baptisted at 8 years old
witness parents use drugs
Mom falls terribly ill
attended an art museum.
mom checks me into to hospital for eating disorder
music and poetry become an outlet
first time i remember going skating
I got a chance to witness child birth. Mom gives birth to baby brother
life begins to stablize while residing with dad.
New years eve party. depression at a high. first time mom hugs me and says she loves me.
learned to have a feeling other than sadness
Mom checks in to rehab
new years eve party!! these were the best . we seemed to be a real family without all the issues
My 15 birthday my dad purchased a barbie doll. i liked. I will never forget this because its the one time he was sober and attentive
learned mom would not be around much longer
I answered the phone as the nurse from Mercy Meddical annouces Mom has passed away
Mom is hospitalized
Mom's funeral
Back into foster care.
Finally get the guts to tell mom about the abuse and molestation at the hands of my step father
attempted suicide again
hospitalized for depression
meet husband at fair
got engaged
finacee' leaves for Marine Corp boot camp
financee gets station in Cherry Point NC- Vists often
ran away from Pettway Residential- Placed in Juvenile dention-Strickland
found out I was pregnant with first child
Graduate from LeFlore Highschool
Marry Marine
We get deployed to Owinkuni Japan
stayed back to give birth to first child
I remember watching as the towers burn while in fear husband would be deployed
depression and Anxiety at an all time high
dianosed with PTSD, anxiety, and depressive disorder
check myself in to trauma therapy
back from deployment
learning to settle into life as a marine wife
find out spouse is having an affair
begin to reconnect with God.
rededicate my life. joined a local ministry
deployed again to New york
we are now back in Cherry point NC
Find out we are pregnant
begin going to Craven Community College
another encounter with God at a local ministry
miscarry pregnancy
find out I am pregnant again
begin to seek answers as to how to study my bible
therapist becomes my spiritual support
possible deployment back to Japan
started womens bible study at home
My son is born
deceided to leave North Carolina- Trial separtion begins
Move to Atlanta Georgia
Meet Pastor A.L. Canady and family
begin Lady Canady's armor bearer
begin preaching the Gospel
My hearts cry changes from preaching to I desire to really know him
Husband and I try to live together again
find out I am pregnant
we all go to Disney World
Birth of my daughter Israel
Husband is offically out of the Military
husband struggles with Alcholism Marriage is hanging on by a thread
find out I am preganant again
traveled to Nicaragua to share the gospel
filed for divorce
My daughter is born DeVyne
signed away all property and anything else
divorce is messy
moved back home to Mobile Al
Step down from my position at the church
divorce is final
started course work at the University of Mobile
started working for University of South Alabama
check myself back into therapy struggling with depression
Joined New Life Christain fellowship Church
As I entered my program at The Univeristy of Mobile my world view begin to change
I started to understand the cross and what was actually done for me at the cross
Introduced to Crossfit by a friend
Undergrad complete University of Mobile
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