September 30, 2024
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OT Timeline
14 Jan 2019
Created by
Matthew Foster
Creation Day 1 (Everything from Creation to Moses is an approximate date)
Creation Day 2
Creation Day 3
Creation Day 4
Creation Day 5
Creation Day 6
God Rests
Birth of Cain
Cain kills Abel
Cain died
The Flood
Birth of Abram
The Tower of Babel
Birth of Isaac
Birth of Jacob and Esau
Exodus of Egypt
The 12 spies
Joshua Leads Israel into the Promised Land
Saul is named King of Israel
David is Crowned King of Israel
Solomon is Crowned King of Israel
The Tribes of Israel Separate
Assyria Conquers Israel
Babylon Conquers Judah
Ezra Teaches the Word of God
Nehemiah Leads Israel out of Babylon
Jesus Christ is born
Esther Marries King Ahasuerus
Jehosaphat is Crowned King of Judah
Ahab is Crowned King of Israel
War of the Jordan River
Hezekiah is Crowed King of Judah
Manasseh is Crowned King of Judah
Rehoboam is crowned king of Israel
Abijah is Crowned King of Judah
Asa is Crowned King of Judah
Jehoram is Crowned King of Judah
Ahaziah is Crowned King of Judah
Athaliah is Crowned King of Judah
Jehoash is Crowned King of Judah
Amaziah is Crowned King of Judah
Azariah is Crowned King of Judah
Jotham is Crowned King of Judah
Ahaz is Crowned King of Judah
Amon is Crowned King of Judah
Josiah is Crowned King of Judah
Jehoahaz is Crowned King of Judah
Jeohoiakim is Crowned King of Judah
Jehoiachin is Crowned King of Judah
Zedekiah is Crowned King of Judah
Jeroboam is Crowned King of Israel
Nadab is Crowned King of Israel
Baasha is Crowned King of Israel
Elah is Crowned King of Israel
Zimri is Crowned King of Israel
Omri is Crowned King of Israel
Ahaziah is Crowned King of Israel
Jehu is Crowned King of Israel
Jehoash is Crowned King of Israel
Jeroboam II is Crowned King of Israel
Zechariah is Crowned King of Israel
Shallum is Crowned King of Israel
Manahem is Crowned King of Israel
Pekahiah is Crowned King of Israel
Pekah is Crowned King of Israel
Hoshea is Crowned King of Israel
Samson Leads Israel
Abdon Leads Israel
Samson Dies
Abdon Dies
Elon Leads Israel
Elon Dies
Ibzan Leads Israel
Ibzan Dies
Jephthah Dies
Jephthah Leads Israel
Jair Dies
Jair Leads Israel
Tola Dies
Tola Leads Israel
Abimalech Dies
Abimalech Leads Israel
Gideon Dies
Gideon Leads Israel
Deborah Dies
Deborah Leads Israel
Shamghar Dies
Shamghar Leads Israel
Ehud Dies
Ehud Leads Israel
Othniel Leads Israel
Othniel Dies
Sun Stands Still
Birth of Joseph
Moses is born
Moses flees Egypt
Jesus Rises
Saul of Tarsus comes to God
Council of Jerusalem
Paul begins his Aegan Mission
Paul is Imprisoned
Paul writes to the Romans
Death of Paul
Death of Peter
Death of James the Lesser
Great Fire of Rome
Stephen is Stoned
Death of James the Greater
Death of Jude Thaddeus
Death of Phillip
Death of Thomas
Death of John
Death of Matthew
Returns to the United States
John Wesley visits Holland
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Death of Charles Wesley
Death of John Wesley
Death of Simon the Zealot
Death of Bartholomew
Death of Andrew
Death of Matthias
Siege of Jerusalem
First Jewish Revolt
Beginning of Judaism
Assassination of Nero
Burning of the Temple
Constantine adopts Christianity
Edict of Milan
Battle of Adrianople
Council of Nicea
Death of Constantine
Council of Ephesus
Council of Chalcedon
Fall of Western Rome
Mohammed receives the Koran
First Crusade
Siege of Nicaea
Siege of Jerusalem
Siege of Antioch
Fall of Edessa
Siege on Damascus
Siege of Iberia
Notre Dame de Paris
Battle of Hattin
Battle of Arsuf
Third Crusade
End of the Third Crusade
Fourth Crusade
Fall of Constantinople
Children's Crusade
Great Schism
John Wycliffe
Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc Martyred
Gutenberg Bible
Destruction of Constantinople
Martin Luther's 95 Theses
William Tyndale
King James Bible
Leipzeg Debate
Diet of Worms
German Bible
Marburg Colluqy
Augsburg Confession
Death of Ulrich Zwingli
English Reformation
Society of Jesus
Acts of Supremacy
Thomas More
Death of William Tyndale
John Calvin
Dissolution of Monasteries
Council of Trent
Death of Martin Luther
Book of Prayer
Peace of Augsburg
Geneva Bible
39 Articles
Death of John Calvin
Edict of Nantes
Synod of Dort
Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
Birth of John Wesley
Birth of Charles Wesley
John Wesley goes to Oxford
John Wesley returns to Oxford
John and Charles Wesley leave for Georgia
John Wesley returns to England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales
Old Hay Bay Church
Trenton Wesleyan Church
Called To Grow
Pastor Brian Carswell
Pastor Don McGlashing
Opening of the New Building
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