June 15, 2024

The Harmonic Factor

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Informazioni su di me:
The Harmonic Factor is the elegant mathematical principle operating as the orchestrating INTELLIGENCE behind the fabric of SPACE, LIFE and... TIME!!! We dedicate our TIME to observe, study and track the synchronizations between multiple calendar systems using the Golden Proportion and the mathematical formula present in Nature known as the Fibonacci sequence as our frame of reference. This framework allows us to make conscious the inherent elegance, beauty, and order behind the fabric of time and the "synchronic order" and enter into resonance with the universal patterns and cycles in Nature. Join this informative and inspiring space that reveals the historical argument for calendar change, and the potential for such a change to empower and transform humanity, restore our relationship with Nature and each other, and usher a new level of creative collaboration planet-wide.
Data di registrazione:
24 nov 2021

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