June 15, 2024

Julian Day Period of 7980 years (19 x 28 x 15) [ 4713 BCE - 3268 CE ] (12 ore 1 gen 4713 anni a. C. – 12 ore 23 gen 3268 anni)


The Julian Day refers to the continuous count of days since the beginning of the Julian period, and is used primarily by astronomers, and in software for easily calculating elapsed days between two events (e.g. food production date and sell by date)

The Julian day number (JDN) is the integer assigned to a whole solar day in the Julian day count starting from noon Universal time, with Julian day number 0 assigned to the day starting at noon on Monday, January 1, 4713 BC, proleptic Julian calendar (November 24, 4714 BC, in the proleptic Gregorian calendar)

This date marks the START/Ground Zero of the Julian period #1 that began on 1 January 4713 BCE and will end on 23 January 3268 CU on the Julian Calendar.

In the 19th century, astronomers adopted the Julian Day numbers at the suggestion of Sir John Herschel.

NOTE: The Julian period was proposed by the scholar Joseph Justus Scaliger in 1583 (year of the Gregorian Calendar Reform) and named after the Julian calendar. The Julian Day Count must NOT to be confused with the Julian calendar.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


12 ore 1 gen 4713 anni a. C.
12 ore 23 gen 3268 anni
~ 7986 years
