June 15, 2024

nov 10, 1966 - Second Application to the EEC


The Labour government were initially not as interested as Macmillan was in joining the EEC.

Wilson was more interested in the Commonwealth and the US, however Rhodesia was changing opinions on the Commonwealth and the Vietnam War created some divide between the US and Britain.

Additionally, the pound was suffering and the government was trying not to turn to devaluation. The growing decolonisation meant Britain was losing a market. All these factors pointed towards Britain joining the EEC. Wilson announced that Britain will attempt to join in 1966.

Wilson and George Brown (Deputy Leader) travelled to the six countries within the EEC to rally up support for them joining the EEC. They were allowed an audience with de Gaulle.

It was all looking positive until de Gaulle once again vetoed the application.

De Gaulle was concerned about the weakness of the sterling, Britain's willingness to the special relationship and Commonwealth, and Britain's effect on the EEC. De Gaulle believed that Britain would lead to the end of the EEC if they were to join.

Wilson applied to the EEC with the knowledge that it could likely to fail to maintain party unity.

Added to timeline:


nov 10, 1966
~ 57 years ago