June 15, 2024

aug 1, 1834 - 1834 Hebron pogrom


The Battle of Hebron and 1834 Hebron massacre occurred in early August 1834,[1] when the forces of Ibrahim Pasha launched an assault against Hebron to crush the last pocket of significant resistance in Palestine during the Peasants' revolt in Palestine. After heavy street battles, the Egyptian Army defeated the rebels of Hebron,[2] and afterward subjected Hebron's inhabitants to violence following the fall of the city.[3] About 500 civilians and rebels were killed, while the Egyptian Army experienced 260 casualties.

Although the Jews had not participated in the uprising and despite Ibrahim Pasha's assurances that the Jewish quarter would be left unharmed, Hebronite Jews were attacked.[4][5] A total of 12 Jews were killed. The Jews of Hebron later referred to the events as a Yagma el Gabireh ("great destruction").[6][7]

Egyptian soldiers did not distinguish between inhabitants; for three hours, troops plundered, killed, raped and maimed Hebronites both Muslim and Jewish.[6]

Date non-specific, only "early August".

Added to timeline:


aug 1, 1834
~ 189 years ago