April 1, 2024

jan 17, 1630 - Colonel Chyme Crowned 1st Laderon King


To start now with the calculations. I have it very important that there be 7 kings between 1490(1612) to 2018(1975), counting King Tezen Chyme because he will serve as a temporary fill in until Princess Maryan is ready to serve. I have it recorded that Colonel Chyme was born the same year(actually 121 years after) Columbus went on his first voyage. The relevance will be discussed later. I just wanted to choose a very important moment in time, though the Laderon Exploration will occur far later in the future, around the 6th king. Anyway, this event is titled as the coronation of the first king, mathematically speaking, when Colonel turned 18 years old(All recordings of age should be the same. Discrepancies in ages will be corrected upon discovery). Now, since i very specifically want there to be 7 kings before now and 2018(1975), i'm projecting that the average lifetime(time serving as king not lifetime) of each king must be approximately 75.286 years(51.871 years). In addition, I want the story to end far before the ugly years of the present. I want to have a melancholic ending with the audience, my audience (more specifically 90's babies and those right before this generation), reminiscing of things that are somewhat familiar to them. I'm thinking about having my main character pass away in the peaceful 1970's. However, i also want her lifetime to easily span over 150 years of history. My only reality check will be the woman who stands behind her at all times to show the difference between a regular human lifetime and hers: Madam U. Madam U will live to be approximately 98, which only slightly crosses over from being a normal human lifetime to what everyone wishes to live. Anyways, i'm diving too far into details here. The point is, there's no way ill have enough kings with Maryan's lifespan so some will die younger if necessary(correction, the number i had calculated was the average time served not average lifetime since the heirs of the throne don't have to wait until their predecessor dies in order to begin their terms as rulers of the Laderon nation). And of course there's the incident with the 5th king...Details will be added later.
*CORRECTION: I moved all events 121 years forward and will continue to alter the timeline as necessary for plot purposes. I will add to this note in () what is corrected.

Added to timeline:

29 Jan 2020


jan 17, 1630
~ 394 years ago