June 15, 2024

mar 18, 1834 - The Tolpuddle Martyrs


On 9th December 1833, in the village of Tolpuddle in Dorset, a group of farm labourers set up a trade union. The already low wages of 9 shillings a week had been reduced to 7 shillings, with threats of a further decrease to 6 shillings. The trade union held meetings under a sycamore tree to discuss how to improve wages and working conditions.

Local landowner, Frampton, wrote to Lord Melbourne, the Home Secretary, to complain about the trade union, and the members were arrested under old Mutiny laws. They were found guilty of 'taking an illegal oath' by a biased judge and jury and sentenced to 7 years transportation.

30000 people marched through London, and the families were supported by the trade union as those convicted left Britain. After 2 years, their sentences were overturned and the returned as heroes.

Added to timeline:


mar 18, 1834
~ 190 years ago