June 15, 2024

sep 14, 1928 - Jaxek Focof Rises to Power


He was elected as the Leader of the Oipientian Fascist Party. Focof had written his own manifesto that described first his life, his ideology, and then how a society can be fixed through his means. His view of Focofian Fascism set the grounds for Tasakian Fascism. He described that a society could only work if it had a steadfast and strong leader and that struggle was key to reshaping itself into the greatest and most holy society.

Focof, once leader, began to organize nationwide speeches and when the Pentan-Velzen War broke out, protests that would mask fascist sentiments. At the advent of 1930, Focof organized his first attack on a political leader. He planned to have the Governor of the Cepešta District assassinated in order for him to gain his seat. He did so on April 24, 1930 and then ran for election and won. He continued to organize assassinations on governors in order to replace them with his own supporters. He did this until he had enough supporters in power to elect him as Tsivgale.

Added to timeline:


sep 14, 1928
~ 95 years ago