April 1, 2024

oct 13, 2016 - DJPEPE


This asset was a token of many 'firsts' in the Counterparty Community. The first of which was to include a curated music playlist of original music written by Scrilla that could be listened to as 'token access controlled'.

When a user proved they owned this specific Rare Pepe card in their RarePepeWallet they could access the content. This included a playlist of original music by Scrilla, which would change periodically over time, and even include pre-releases of songs before the general public had heard them.

Within Joe Looney's RarePepeWallet, this feature was included as a 'Bonus Content' button in which you could access this content when you owned the DJPEPE token.

When DJPEPE was accepted into the Rare Pepe Collection, it was the first to begin experimenting with attached content. Other tokens like PEPENATION for example, even though earlier in the series, added content at a later date.

DJPEPE specifically is considered the first 'audio-visual' tokenized asset on Counterparty because of the relation to the easily unlockable content and it's accompanying art in Rare Pepe, though it went on to do much more.

DJPEPE has had its own twitter account since 2017, has attended rare cryptocurrency events, has its own brand, has a variety of subassets created from the original token for various purposes, has live 'DJ'd' events and has become a major meme personality within itself.

Learn more about DJPEPE on his Youtube account linked below.

Issuer: Scrilla

Added to timeline:


oct 13, 2016
~ 7 years and 7 months ago
