April 1, 2024

sep 9, 2016 - RAREPEPE


Looking through a historical lens, RAREPEPE is considered an integral part of the birth of the global cryptoart movement as it is the first project on Counterparty to invite any artist from anywhere in the world to participate.

The project centers around a central theme of an internet meme called 'Pepe' that was originally a character in a comic titled 'Boy's Club' by Matt Furie. Some of the initial posts about this project came from the Bitcointalk forums.

The project was closed in February of 2018 ending with 1774 different distinct pieces of art regarded as The Rare Pepe Directory. Many include references to cryptocurrency culture, internet culture and culture in general. This was also the case as per the art in Spells of Genesis, but this time from many different artists.

Many projects emulating this 'open arms artist invitation' have been created since including, but not limited to: 'Fake Rares' and 'Dank Rares'.

Series 1, Card 1 of The Rare Pepe Directory is titled 'RAREPEPE' and was minted by a user named 'Mike' with the description stating: 'The most rare pepe that has ever existed'.

RAREPEPE is the genesis card in the collection. While there is reference to 'Pepe' in a previous token description named CLIO, RAREPEPE was the first to include Pepe artwork on a Counterparty token and definitely wasn't the last to do so.

Issuer: Mike

Added to timeline:


sep 9, 2016
~ 7 years and 8 months ago
