June 15, 2024

15h 14min, apr 8, 2023 y - The 180


While Muszy was seemingly fine with the proposal, that would soon sour after his resignation ceremony the following day, as what will be gone over in the following sections.

The day after during an after-event ceremony, Muszy announced him stepping down as Oberst and proceeded to deliver a long speech. The head of Arty, North, would end up leaving during the ceremony, later saying that he was transferring to the 33rd in Classified due to not agreeing with the proposal.

After the ceremony, Mamba caught onto what was happening and shared his thoughts. Saying he was initially ‘not mad at anyone, just slightly annoyed’ that such a direction would be taken without his approval. Attila would admit that it was a mistake that he wasn’t included.

Meanwhile, Muszy was making snide and sarcastic remarks in Classified following the Ceremony, indicating he was not supporting the document anymore.

Added to timeline:


15h 14min, apr 8, 2023 y
~ 1 years and 2 months ago