June 15, 2024

jan 1, 1873 - FE: “The Birth of Captain Starlight”


Description: Second of two events for the historic cattle theft from Bowen Downs. This one deals with Harry Readford’s escape from justice at the hands of the adoring public, and an alternative history option to not dismiss the court.
Event Type: Historical

Year is after 1871.
Owns Longreach (in Queensland).
Event not occurred before.
The event “Bowen Downs Duffered” has previously fired.

Mean Time to Happen (mtth): 2 Months

Displayed Title:
“The Birth of Captain Starlight”

Main Body Text:
The cattle thief who traversed from Longreach to South Australia with his stollen herd has finally been caught. Henry, or more commonly know as Harry, Readford has been put forward as the man behind the daring action after being arrested in Sydney. Facing trial, it was advised that the accounts of some witnesses proved insufficient and could not place him as the man who sold the cattle, but there could be no doubt that he was the man behind the crime.
Perhaps it was his new-born child? The way in which his defence was conducted? More likely it was his antics themselves that had captured the minds of the jurors. He was let off and the verdict was returned not guilty. The situation was such that the Judge in exasperation was reported to exclaim, "Thank God gentlemen, that the verdict is yours and not mine.” In response to this dilemma, the local government has indicated its intention to temporarily shut down the district level court claiming that justice had been perverted.

Base Effects:
Labourers in Western Queensland (Charleville, Longreach, Normanton) gain 2 consciousness.
All pops in Queensland lose 1 militancy.

Option 1: Dismiss the local criminal court; he might have gotten off, but they can’t be trusted to administer justice.
- All pops in Charleville loss 2 Militancy
- {Gain 1 Militancy in all soldiers in Queensland}
- {The States of Longreach and Charleville gain the ‘Rebellious’ Modifier.}

Option 2: Unacceptable. Just have him imprisoned without retrial.
- All pops in Charleville lose 5 Militancy
- All pops in Queensland gain 2 consciousness
- Gain 1 prestige
- {All states in Western Queensland (West of Brisbane and Gladstone) gain the ‘Rebellious’ Modifier}
- {IF they have it Longreach and Charleville lose ‘Rebellious’ as the thief was punished}
- {Add +1 point to the GAR counter}

Option 3: The people have spoken so let the man be at peace.
- All Labourer Pops in Longreach gain 2 militancy.
- Gain +2 Prestige
- {Longreach gains the Modifier ‘Starlit Legends’ giving +1% RGO throughput till 1936.}
- {Longreach gains the ‘Rebellious’ Modifier.}

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1873
~ 151 years ago