June 15, 2024

jan 1, 1871 - FE: “Bowen Downs Duffered”


First of Two events for the historical theft of cattle (“Duffering”) from Bowen Downs Ranch by Henry/Harry Readford and Co.
Event Type: Historical
- Year is 1870.
- Owns Longreach (in Queensland).
- Event not occurred before.
Mean Time to Happen (mtth): 4 Months
Displayed Title: “Bowen Downs Duffered”
Main Body Text:
More than 700 cattle were stollen from a Longreach ranch four months ago. Bowen Downs Ranch was one of the furthest inland stations from the east-coast, having been established by the noted explorer William Landsborough, as well as a personal friend and two gentlemen from the Scottish Australian Investment Company. The station only found out about the duffing after checking on a seldom visited 228km stretch of fencing along Thomson River; stockyards had been established unnoticed. The cattle have now been found sold for £5,000 in South Australia, being droved inland more than 1,280km from their starting point. While the duffer’s identity is not known, the achievement has sparked the imagination of the general public with some even applauding the thieves for ingenuity and marked skill. The first exploration across that stretch of the Strzelecki dessert had only been attempted a decade prior by Wills and Burke and the terrain is regarded as difficult in the utmost, requiring three months to cross.

Base Effects:
Labourers in Western Queensland gain +0.1 Militancy
{Gain the modifier ‘Stockmen’s Folk Legend’ for 1 year in Longreach giving +2% RGO throughput}
Option 1: Impressive yes, but criminal all the same.
- “An order is out for their arrest.”
- {Prerequisite for the event ‘The Birth of Captain Starlight’}

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1871
~ 153 years ago