June 15, 2024

may 23, 1974 - richie audio log #1


"Hey there! This is your coworker, Richie, from uh, BSI. Felix probably mentioned you to me before, I don't believe we've actually, y'know, met face-to-face before? Uh, but, uh, I look forward to working with you! (stammering) I work the night shift at the moment. (stammering) Sorry, you're not in any trouble or anything, I was just saying hi.

It's, uh, company policy, all of the employees gotta like- know each other so we can work more efficiently, I guess... I dunno. Uh, from what I've heard, I take it you've been working here for quite a while, right? A summer job. Same here! Uh... (tittering) So, uh... Where was I? ...Wait! Uh... (snapping fingers) Some notes from... last week's shift, uh... The arcade machines should be on their way by Tuesday, I think? We made a call with (???).... Y'know, they're gonna be doing the installations themselves. So, you don't gotta worry about that anymore. (???)....and, plus, you now owe me a favor! ...Nah, just kidding.

Uh... So! Tax supervisor (???) says to present the documentation of the animatronic's state by tomorrow! So, yeah, better get that away soon. And, uh... Oh! I guess that's it! But- Uh, and um, one more thing. I think we'll uh, y'know, properly meet, on, um... Thursday, I think! (???)'s giving us a tour of the installations, and... Not- not the ones that smell like tobacco. Y'know, the other ones. So, yeah! See you there!"

Added to timeline:

30 days ago


may 23, 1974
~ 50 years ago
