June 15, 2024

jan 1, 1857 BC - Tomb No. 3 at Beni Hasan Paingint


AJK: This shows that there was trade between the Levant and Egypt well before Joseph was sold, and carried on the trade route to Egypt.


Gertoux, Gérard (2015). Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence

The Tomb belongs to the nomarch Khnumhotep III, who is also an “Overseer of the Eastern Hill Countries”. Besides illustrating the presentation of various types of “cattle” to the nomarch, the painting depicts the arrival of a group of 37 Asiatics (‘3mw) who are being led by an Egyptian with the title “Overseer of hunters”. The Asiatics are bearded, and wear the traditional dress of Semites as depicted in Egyptian artwork; they carry weapons typical of Middle Bronze Age Canaan, including what appear to be composite bows and a “duckbilled” axe. One of the inscriptions that accompanies the painting describes the arrival of the “Asiatics”, led by Absha (Ibš3), a “ruler of a foreign land (ḥq3 ḫ3st)”, who are bringing black eye-paint to the nomarch Khnumhotep, here designated as the “Administrator of the Eastern Desert” in the 6th year of Senwosret II's reign (1863- 1855). Absha, Hyksos' name, is Semite and means maybe "Father of prince" (Abshar).

These Asiatics (‘3mw) coming from Shutu85 (Sudu[m] then Moab) to bring galena (msdmt) into Egypt were Canaanites. Galena, the material for the black eye-paint, was likelyproduced in this region86. In the inscription of Weni (c. -2200) the term ‘3mw is used only in relation to the nomads of the Sinai Desert but it is extended to all the populations in Syria- Canaan as a sign of disdain87. Similarly, the Asiatics (‘3mw) in the Instruction to King Merikare (c. -2050) are depicted as wild and unruly88. In fact, some of the earliest evidence relating to Egyptian contact with the southern Levant during the Middle Bronze Age comes from the very beginning of the Middle Kingdom during the reign of Mentuhotep II89 (2045-1994).

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1857 BC
~ 3883 years ago