June 15, 2024

apr 1, 1530 BC - Chariot Wheels Consistent with Exodus Timing


AJK: chariots are first seen in depictions of combat with Kamose, thus late 17th Dynasty. Further, early chariot wheels were 4-spoked, and later transitioned to 6-spoked. The late 17th and early 18th Dynasties are the only time where both appear together.

Both the 4-spoked and 6-spoked chariot wheel structures composed of coral are visible in the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba) from Nuweiba Beach to Saudi Arabia (See Crossing Route), where there is an underwater shelf.


Egyptian chronology, 2838-342 BCE, through astronomically dated synchronisms and comparison with carbon-14 dating, by Gérard Gertoux

The chariot used as an offensive weapon appears for the first time under the reign of Kamose. This is confirmed by the relief of the “fall of Avaris” reconstituted (below) thanks to the fragments found at Abydos in the temple next to the pyramid of Ahmose (Harvey: 1998, 316-353,529-550). Although no direct text accompanying this scene has been found many internal details allow its identification as the presence of ships, the names of Apopi and Avaris as well as representation of the weapons use.

Early in his career, Ahmes states that at Ahmose's time he accompanied the
Sovereign in his chariot (line 8). The hieroglyphic sign of the chariot can even
inform us about its shape. The Sovereign (ity) is not named, but as he got into his
chariot the king was bound to be an adult. As Ahmose was 2 years old at that
time, it might be Kamose. In addition, the facts related are identical to those
described in the stele of year 3 [of Kamose].


Chariot Wheels At Bottom Of Red Sea, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIQ-QAKTqZc

Leonard Mueller heard reports of coral formations shaped like chariot wheels in 1997. He investigated in 2000. These were different from the large dense coral along the coast. Rather, they were scattered with unusual shapes, right angles, circles, etc. These appeared to be derived from original man-made structures. And they were present on both sides. There was also one fragile 4-spoked wheel remnant of gold or electrum.

They also found a gentle sloping flat ridge at this crossing point, covered with sand/silt that would allow easy walking.

Added to timeline:


apr 1, 1530 BC
~ 3557 years ago