June 15, 2024

may 17, 2023 - (FRANCE) Terminating Electricity Contract with SNCF is not sufficient


On April 21, the Ministry of Ecological Transition had announced the possibility for rail freight companies to terminate their electricity contracts with SNCF Réseau from June. In order to be able to negotiate with other energy suppliers, at market prices, the electricity necessary for the traction of freight trains.

For Alliance 4F, which brings together all the players in the sector (Fret SNCF, DB Cargo, Europorte, RegioRail, Novatrans, Froidcombi, TLF, etc.), this is far from the case. "This measure does not meet the need to support rail freight in the face of rising electricity prices," they wrote in a statement on May 4. Since the beginning of the year, freight and combined rail-road transport operators "are subject to a rate of 47 euros per megawatt hour, uncorrelated with that of the rail traction electricity market for the period (...) Energy rates have more than quadrupled between 2021 and 2023," adds the association.


Added to timeline:


may 17, 2023
~ 1 years ago