April 1, 2024

apr 17, 1961 - Bay of pigs


President JFK took office proceeding President Eisenhower and inherited a plan that was going to take down the communist of Cuba.

Fidel Castro took power over Cuba taking over the previous dictator. Castro was starting make agreements with the Soviet Union and in result made enemies of the US.

President Eisenhower hatched a plan that was going to take down the Cuban dictatorship. He started a program that the CIA would train Cuban exiles and send the fight to Castro.

When JFK inherited the plan he was skeptical it's success. He thought it was the wrong move but he was scared of how the public would see him if he stopped the plan that would "end communism." In result he went along with the plan but made two decisions that would cost them the war.

He limited the amount of air force allowed to assist the operation, to avoid more casualties then necessary, and he changed the landing spot of the mission to a more remote place which would make the mission even harder from the start.

it was over before it even started. Castro's army was expecting the attack, the citizens didn't up rise like the US had planned, the landing was disorganized and the soldiers were stranded with no addition back up help from the US.

Added to timeline:


apr 17, 1961
~ 63 years ago

