June 15, 2024

apr 5, 1864 - The 15th Amendment is Ratified Thprk. DW 15: Píšat èñ Thaisamov


Thapírovèkèṡ DW 15, 22.2.1841: Píšat èñ Thaisamov
(Amendment No. 15, 05.04.1864: The Women's Electoral Right)

The 15th Amendment to the Oipientian Constitution allowed for citizen women ages, 25 and up to be eligable to vote in federal elections. The right for women to vote in federal elections was originally included in the draft for the 14th Amendment but Conservatives in the Oipientian Senate and Council of Lords would not vote in favor of the draft if it included allowing women to vote. However, a massive campaign by women, known as the Women's Movement, organized a huge protest in Kueplios called the Pink Revolution that pressured the Oipienitan Conservatives to vote for the newly drafted 15th Amendment.

The 15th Amendment was scrapped by Javik Tothek after the rewriting of the Oipientian Constitution. It was reinstated after the fall of Tasak.

Added to timeline:


apr 5, 1864
~ 160 years ago