April 1, 2024

13 h, jul 1, 2015 y - MEDICAL NOTE Johnny Depp Nurse Debbie


The unpublished Medical Progress Notes appeared on screen during the televised trial - the text is taken from the screen grabs as the Medical Notes were not published or leaked to the public.

Nurse Debbie makes Medical Note:

08:30 - RN text assistant to see how patient was feeling this morning. RN informed that patient slept 12 hours and was just getting up for work now. RN asked assistant to let her know how he was doing emotionally today.

09:30 - RN Sent text to patient to check on him. He responded by saying he was grateful for the sleep he had gotten and that he would let the RN know how he/was feeling later and how his stress level was from arguments with wife.

12:35 - RN received text from patient's assistant that the arguments between patient and wife were continuing and RN should come to set to see patient. RN will be picked up up14:30.

2100 - Between shooting patient was able to express his feeling to RN. He explained that his wife makes him feel that he can never do anything right and that they cannot have a conversation without her blowing up. Patient was given positive reinforcement for expressing his feelings. Patient verbalized he knows it is best for them to "take a break" from each other when the fights start to escalate but how she will follow him from room to room when he tries to get away. Patients states he is going to try his best to keep things peaceful in his relationship and focus on finishing up the filming of his movie.

US VA Court Documents:
- Johnny Depp Exhibits 40 and 41 [UNPUBLISHED]

UK Court Documents

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Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Complete Timeline

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13 h, jul 1, 2015 y
~ 8 years and 9 months ago



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