June 15, 2024

jan 1, 1959 - Alaska and Hawaii


At this time the US had just formed its country and they thought that they were finished but then the president of the time decided to purchase two more countries. These countries being Hawaii and Alaska the last of the 50 states to join America. A lot of people thought that this was not a smart idea and even mocked him for this especially because of how costly it was. To make these two states join the US the government had to pay $7.2 million. But it turned out to be a smart move because it turns out that Alaska has gold that, at the time, was a resource that everyone wanted. Also, Hawaii was able to supply America with lots of tropical things. Another thing was the fur from Alaska which was really important for the cold war which happened soon after the purchase of these two states. The biggest thing though was the location of these two state, especially Hawaii. Hawaii is in the center of everything so it is a really great location for trade.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1959
~ 65 years ago