June 15, 2024

mar 25, 1964 - The 14th Convention of the Party


Held in Yenithe due to the war.

The discussion of bringing back fair elections were presented by a rival faction to Tasak known as the Reds. The rival faction began to rise in power during the War of the Black and Red and had wanted to return to the softer version of Oipientian fascism that Alno and Focof had implemented. Antoher discussion point was the re-integration of Ireta as the nation had submitted a request of integration into Oipienta. The majority of the politicians present at the convention were in favor of letting Ireta join Oipienta but a noticable amount of the participants were weary on letting a haddakuist nation join. They debated on how it was forced to be haddakuist and how the extreme majority of their population were actually fascists.

Added to timeline:


mar 25, 1964
~ 60 years ago