April 1, 2024

feb 21, 1965 - Malcolm X Assassination


Malcolm X was an activist for equal rights. But he did not always start this way. Malcolm X was born as Malcolm Little. He was taken away from his family and put into an orphanage. When he grew up, Malcolm had become a gangster and took the name Detroit Red. He was a part of a gang that was led by West Indian Archie. Malcolm got into drugs and gambling. Malcolm and his friend Shortie ended up in prison for having a relationship with White women. In prison, Malcolm had met Brother Banes who was a part of the Nation of Islam. Brother Banes had help convert Malcolm to become Muslim. When Malcolm had come out of prison, he went to Elijah Muhammad. After Malcolm had become a known speaker for the Nation of Islam. He spoke about how there should be complete separation between races. Malcolm was anti- white. But Elijah Muhammad and Brother Banes were becoming jealous of Malcolm. So Malcolm left the Nation of Islam and created his own organization. Malcolm had left to Mecca and learned that anyone can become Muslim not only Black people. But he noticed that two White men have been following him. When Malcolm came back to the US, he had to go into hiding because he knew many people wanted him dead. When he was hiding, there was a wire hidden in his room and two White men were listening. The next day, Malcolm had a bad feeling. He was about to give a speech and a Black man said ´get your hand out of my pocket!' This confused people and Malcolm was shot multiple times during the chaos.

Added to timeline:

4 Feb 2018
Mischa's New Historical Timeline


feb 21, 1965
~ 59 years ago


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