June 15, 2024

nov 1, 1990 - Purple Roof Shelter


Mor Çatı (Purple Roof Shelter)

"The Mor Çatı Women’s Shelter Foundation was established in 1990 by feminists in order to combat violence against women. At Mor Çatı, the work against male violence is grounded in feminist principles, aiming for women to be able to build lives unhindered by gender-based discrimination and male violence under free and equal conditions. Male violence is understood to be rooted in existing inequalities between men and women, which must be dismantled by fostering women’s solidarity. For this reason, the social work in our solidarity center and shelter is geared towards empowering women. In addition to engaging in one-to-one solidarity with women, we monitor and report on the implementation of national and international conventions, laws, and regulations as well as making policy recommendations to decision-makers in order to eradicate violence and achieve gender equality. We hold workshops with women’s organizations, civil society organizations (NGOs), bar associations and municipalities active in combating violence in order to share our information and experiences in the field. We strive for women to be able to lead free and independent lives, targeting the patriarchy through campaigns and actions in collaboration with national and international women’s organizations."

Source: https://en.morcati.org.tr/about-us/who-we-are/

Added to timeline:


nov 1, 1990
~ 33 years ago