June 15, 2024

jan 26, 1766 - The Eternal Night is Published


The Eternal Night was a short story written by Javik Erokos and is based on a fictionalized Karmen king and his father who are both struggling with knowing what a true king is. The story is set in one of the harsher winters early into the Eternal War, which is based off of the Second Hells War. The book gained international success and the early stages of the Second Hells War were labeled as the Eternal Age, inspiried by the book.


"Sunshine, bright and orange upon my cold skin. The warmth it brings. The closing sky, ever reminding me of her, is leaving now. Leaving to make my skin colder. “Colder?”I said, “How can it get colder?” I decided to stand. Lean against my sword to find my way. I try to get a better sight of the sun. I seek its light. I need its light. I have nothing else. Nothing…

“They say he will be King of Yueroki”
“Do they now?”
“Yes your majesty, they do”, she said. I dismissed her to watch the sunset. ‘King of Yueroki’. Such a title could only be gained by bloodshed and not a single man could do it one lifetime. I think of my son, with his green sheets and red blankets. The colors of our House already complement his green eyes. Yet, I feel cold and empty just as I did when I sat on the throne after my father’s passing. Such were the days when I was scared and afraid to speak. Eventually, he will understand this struggle, maybe even worse than me. Was he truly to be the King of Yueroki? I cannot comprehend what this could mean. Not today.

As the sun finally set, I felt the sharp freezing wind on my wounds. The harsh white screams from the dark landscape echoed in my ears, reminding me of the motto, “Hear Our Cries!” Those words, my family’s strength was not mine today. I fell onto the powder. Stained it red. I could feel the tears from my eyes harden. Surely this isn’t what they meant by King. This is not how the King should meet his end. Truly not in the frost and certainly not alone. Certainly. Yet, all I could see is white, black, and red. White snow. Black sky. Red blood. A real king rules by his own mind. His own choices. My choices brought me here. I chose to fight. My blood, frozen. My body ripped. My power, gone. This is the real end of a king. Death can only conquer the broken. Death conquered the king. He conquered the King of Yueroki, the King of the World. Only Death could kill him. Only Death.

Now I must rest. I must see my father again. I need his solace. I need his warmth."

Added to timeline:


jan 26, 1766
~ 258 years ago