April 1, 2024

may 24, 2020 - Internal Dramas


This ranged from small drama from minor members of the community to drama in the big meetings.

During the period in The Troubles many HQ/Mod meetings were held. These meetings could generally be described small escalations themselves. The division between HQ and moderate are became apparent. Some members of the HQ they came upset at the Moderators inflexibility. Ideas would often start in the HQ, and then move down to the Mod team only to be blocked. Any potential solutions to the problems being currently faced often sunk when officially proposed.

On top of that a few minor members of the community were spreading personal drama that only served to tire out the HQ. Instead of acting as a harmonious whole the HQ and Moderators acted as separate entities only serving to escalate the minor non-Holdfast dramas. These small dramas would only escalate in the coming weeks.

Added to timeline:


may 24, 2020
~ 4 years ago