June 15, 2024

mar 4, 1946 - Cabinet Mission


Since British Withdrawal was imminent, the British sent the mission to give complete independence to India while making it united(1st time)

- Rejection of Partition(deep-rooted religious ties will hurt if done, also Muslim majority not clearly)
- Grouping existing assemblies to A, B, C groups ****grouping concept****
# A - Hindu majority i.e Madras, Bombay, Central Provinces, United Provinces, Bihar, and Orissa
# B - Muslim majority - Punjab, NWFP, Sindh
# C - Bengal + Assam

- 3-Tier executive and legislative:
**Province----> Section---> Union
- Provincial assembly to elect a constituent assembly(voting in 3 groups i.e General, Muslims and Sikhs)
- Common center for Defense, communications, and external affairs
- Provinces have autonomy and residual powers
- Provinces free to either join with successor government or remain enact with Britain
- After 1st general election, a province is free to come out of a group and after 10 years, a province was to be free to call for reconsideration of the group or the union constitution

Congress thought grouping is optional, while ML thought it's compulsory.

Acceptance by June 1946

Rajagopalachari played a significant role in the Indian independence movement and later became the first Indian Governor-General of India after independence.
However, he did not represent Congress in the mission‟s negotiations; rather the talks were conducted on behalf of Congress by Abul Kalam Azad who Nehru and Patel assisted.

Added to timeline:


mar 4, 1946
~ 78 years ago