April 1, 2024

4h 20min, jan 1, 5000 y BC - N U C L E A R C O M P R I M I S E


For a (currently) unknown amount of time, Old Humanity reigned over the Solar System. Very little is know about them, except for how they died out------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The difference between the Skazrad and Old Humanity is that Old Humanity was not gifted the power of magic to defend themselves against the looming threat of the Noir.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As the Skazrad barely survived the attack from the Noir, even with magic, the Vivians were not able to survive.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Many would claim that the Noir were simply playing with the Skazrad, as a stalking animal would with its defenseless prey, but it is obvious that they played no such games with Old Humanity. The Vivians died out because of one vicious and swift event, the Nuclear Comprimise--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is unknown why this event, which was studied during the Renaissance, was called the Nuclear Comprimise, but its details are still known today.-------------------------------------------------------------Old Earth, the home of the Vivians, was cleaved in half. This decimated all life on Old Earth, beginning a slow process where life would resurface millennia later. Without Old Earth, the other colonies could not sustain themselves, and so Old Humanity, the Vivians, were driven exctinct by the Noir, in one swift and baffeling movement.

Added to timeline:

25 Jan 2018
Fairmen Legacy


4h 20min, jan 1, 5000 y BC
~ 7028 years ago
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