April 1, 2024

mar 8, 1917 - March Revolution


The March Revolution, known as the February Revolution from the use of the Julian calendar, was a riot over the scarcity of food erupt in Petrograd, or present day St. Petersburg. During the period, the Russians had lost confidence in their government and the leader Czar Nicholas II’s leadership. The major cause of this Revolution though, was the failure of World War I for Russia. Due to the lack of communication and supplies, the Russian army had a lot more casualties than expected. This cost put into the war made Russia’s economy worse than before, which triggered the people to call for an overthrow of the czar.
March 8, 1917, demonstrators craving for bread took the streets, fought with the police, refusing to leave the capital. The strike became popular with both men and women, and troops which were used to stop the uprising began to waver. The troops suddenly switched to support the protesters, which made the government forced to resign. Nicholas took off his throne, ending the czarist rule for four centuries. A provisional government , an alliance between the liberals and socialists was put to place. Along with the establishment of duel power, the provisional government and the Petrograd Soviet, Russia’s reform of government was revolutionary. This event also helped Lenin gain power and status.

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18 Jan 2018
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mar 8, 1917
~ 107 years ago
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