July 1, 2024

jun 6, 1756 - The 1st Convention of the Nation


Held in Yenithe.

The Convention of the Nation began as a meeting of all the heads of the Oipientian provinces and the Presidential council to discuss plans of the country. However, through the years the reason of convening became more related to political tactics and the nation's current state. The Convention of the Nation later became known as the National Convention of State. The second Convention of the Nation set the precedent of the future conventions, mainly when it occurs and who participates. A National Convention of State occurs every 14 years on Yurokinoć 9th and the heads of each province and the President and his immediate council attend. Each convention is opened with a Presidential speech, often called the National Gate of State Speech. The place each convention is held rotates between states, districts, and councils. During the Tothek period, National Conventions of State did not take place. They were resumed once Tothek stepped down from office.

Added to timeline:


jun 6, 1756
~ 268 years ago