nov 22, 1963 - John F Kennedy is Shot
John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, A communist sympathizer, on November 22, 1963. JFK was campaigning in Texas to get Democratic votes. After staying at Fort Worth, they drove to Downtown Dallas, and after passing the Texas School Book Depository building, he was shot twice at 12:30. He was brought to Parkland Memorial Hospital and was officially declared dead at 1:00 pm. Oswald was identified as the killer of JFK and was apprehended at 1:50 that day. LBJ took the presidential oath on Air Force One at 2:38 and became the next president. On November 24th, Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald, killing him. Ruby was tried for murder and sentenced to death. Ends the idea of the age of innocent (untouched, perfect society).
How did America respond to the death of JFK?
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