June 15, 2024

may 27, 2000 - 2000 Dietary Guidelines for Americans


"Released on May 27, 2000, the 2000 Dietary Guidelines for Americans featured recommendations developed and released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS). It remained the Federal guidance until the 2005 Dietary Guidelines was released." 1

"An 11-member Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee was appointed by the Secretaries of USDA and HHS to review the fourth edition of the Dietary Guidelines to determine whether changes were needed and, if so, to recommend suggestions for revision. More than 165 public comments were received, reviewed and summarized by the Committee; the public was also invited to provide oral testimony to the Committee at one of its meetings.

The President of the United States spoke of the Dietary Guidelines in his radio address after USDA and HHS jointly issued the fifth edition of Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans earlier in the day. This edition included 10 Guidelines (up from seven in previous editions)—created by breaking out physical activity from the weight guideline, splitting the grains and fruits/vegetables recommendations for greater emphasis, and adding a new guideline on safe food handling." 2

1. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 2000 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. About. https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/about-dietary-guidelines/previous-editions/2000-dietary-guidelines-americans. Published Unknown Date. Accessed April 19, 2021.

2. Dietary Guidelines for Americans. History. Table: History of Dietary Guidance Development in the United States and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans – A Chronology. https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/about-dietary-guidelines/history-dietary-guidelines/summary-dietary-guidance-development. History of the Dietary Guidelines. Published Unknown Date. Accessed April 20, 2021.

Added to timeline:


may 27, 2000
~ 24 years ago
