June 15, 2024

jan 1, 898 BC - Mesha Stele



According to the Mesha Stele, Moab was oppressed by Israel for 40 years since the reign of Omri, Kemoshyat reigned for 30 years, then Mesha (his son) liberated the country (Sprinkle: 1999, 247-270). This chronology put the 40 years from the reign of Omri in 930 BCE to the death of Jehoshaphat in 891 BCE. The revolt of Mesha (2Ki 3:4-7) was shortly after the death of Ahab, in 898 BCE. If Mesha reigned 30 years like his father, his stone must have been erected after 898 BCE and before 870 BCE, at the end of his reign.

...the reading of the word 'House of David', in the sense of 'dynasty of David', appearing in line 31 of the Mesha stele has long been disputed, but a high-resolution reading has confirmed the reading BT[D]WD (Langlois: 2019, 23-47). This reading poses a problem for archaeologists, for if David was only the head of a local chiefdom, as Finkelstein claims, how can one explain that Mesha (900-870), a powerful Moabite king, was defeated by Jehoram (897-
885), the king of Israel, when he joined forces with Jehoshaphat (916-893), the king of Judah (1Ki 3:1- 19) of the ‘House of David’ (BTDWD). At that time the ‘house of David’ (BTDWD) was therefore more powerful than the kings of Israel. We also note on the Mesha stele several elements identical to the biblical account, such as the "King of Israel" (line 5), the name "YHWH" (line 18) and the phrase "the sheep of the land. And he lived in Horonen, the House of David" (line 31). The Mesha stele thus confirms the biblical account...


Kings David and Solomon Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence

The first stele of Mesha, king of Moab, gives a "victorious" version of the events recounted in the Bible: As regards Mesha the king of Moab, he became a sheep raiser, and he paid to the king of Israel a 100,000 lambs and a 100,000 unshorn male sheep. And it came about that as soon as Ahab died, the king of Moab began to revolt against the king of Israel. Consequently King Jehoram went out on that day from Samaria and mustered all Israel (...) When the king of Moab saw that the battle had proved too strong for him, he at once took with him 700 men drawing sword to break through to the king of Edom; but they were not able to. Finally he took his firstborn son who was going to reign in place of him and offered him up as a burnt sacrifice upon the wall. And there came to be great indignation against Israel, so that they pulled away from against him and returned to their land (2Ki 3:4-27. We also note on the stele of Mesha the presence of "King of Israel" (line 5), "Yehowah" (l. 18) and "the sheep of the land. And dwelt in Horonen the House-[of-D]avid" (l. 31)22. This reading is disputed but as Lemaire noted the only letter that makes sense in the sentence line 31 is a D23. The name is spelled BT [D]WD without separation points (BYTDWD in Dan stele) implying a familiar expression at that time.

According to the Mesha Stone, Kemoshyat ruled Moab for 30 years (line 2), in his days Omri, king of Israel, oppressed Moab, Omri's sons for 40 years afterwards (lines 4-8). This chronology138 put the 40 years from the reign of Omri in 930 BCE until the death of Jehoshaphat in 890 BCE, Jehoram's ally. The text of 2Kings 3:4-7 situates the revolt of Mesha shortly after the death of Ahab (898 BCE). If Mesha ruled Moab for 30 years like his father, his stone had to have been erected after 898 BCE and before 870, end of his reign.

The stone was discovered intact by Frederick Augustus Klein, an Anglican missionary, at the site of ancient Dibon (now Dhiban, Jordan), in August 1868... A "squeeze" (a papier-mâché impression) had been obtained by a local Arab on behalf of Charles Simon Clermont-Ganneau, an archaeologist based in the French consulate in Jerusalem. The next year, the stele was smashed into several fragments by the Bani Hamida tribe... Clermont-Ganneau later managed to acquire the fragments and piece them together thanks to the impression made before the stele's destruction.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 898 BC
~ 2924 years ago