September 30, 2024

dec 6, 1917 - Halifax Explosion


On December 6, 1917 a major accident had occurred. At Halifax, the French munitions ship Mont Blanc collided with the Belgian relief ship Imo. One of those ships were loaded with munitions and explosives. The north end of Halifax was wiped out by the blast and subsequent tsunami. Nearly 2,000 people died, another 9,000 were maimed or blinded, and more than 25,000 were left without adequate shelter. The Halifax port was a major base for the Canadian Royal Army. Millions of tones of supplies also passed through the port, on route to the war such as wheat, lumber, coal, food, munitions and armaments. The loss from this explosion was significant as a lot of people had died as well as the economy of Halifax had dropped drastically due to a lot of supplies getting destroyed by the explosion and tsunami.

Added to timeline:


dec 6, 1917
~ 107 years ago