June 15, 2024

jan 1, 1493 BC - Hazar Destroyed by Fire [Joshua 11]


Gertoux, Gérard (2015). Moses and the Exodus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence

The excavations at Tell el-Waqqas (identified with Hazor) showed that the fortifications of this big city (it was connected to a wall with casemates, the oldest discovered in Palestine) were destroyed by a violent fire in the Middle Bronze IIC (end of level XVI dated c. -1550). A new city-state was built414 in the Late Bronze I (15th century BCE) which was destroyed by fire at the end of level XIV (c. -1300). The city was destroyed again by a foreign invasion (presumably the Sea Peoples) at the end of level XIII dated approximately around -1200. The city was finally destroyed by Tiglath-Pileser III (level VA dated -732).

The city of Hazor has a long history and “Jabin” was a dynastic name434, in addition, Hazor was destroyed several times including twice by fire at the end of layer XVI around -1550 +/- 60 and at the end of layer XIII about -1200 +/- 25.

In conclusion, the destruction of the powerful city of Hazor (in -1550 +/- 60 according to C14 dating) must be assigned to the Israelites445, called Hyksos (ḥq3w ḫ3swt) and Asiatics (‘3mw) by the Egyptians. More and more scholars agree now that the “Egyptian hypothesis” of the so-called “War of the Hyksos” is in fact a myth446. In Palestine, the transition from the Middle Bronze II to the Late Bronze Age (c. 1550-1450) was marked by a severe settlement crisis. All urban centres were destroyed, some were abandoned and resettled only much later, and others suffered serious regression.


Bryant Wood, “Digging Past The Doubts,” Answers In Genesis. October 1, 2015. https://answersingenesis.org/archaeology/digging-past-doubts/ (Accessed May 13, 2019).

More recently, it has come to light that one of Kenyon’s finds, an inscribed cowrie (snail shell), dates to ca. 1485 BC.

Ancient Origins
Joshua and the destruction of Hazor: From myth to reality


Gertoux, Gérard. The Pharaoh of the Exodus Fairy tale or real history? Outcome of the Investigation.

The archaeologist Yohanan Aharoni and, more recently, Aaron Burke have observed that the Bible describes the cities of Canaan as being strongly fortified (Shanks: 2012, 36-37). This was true at the end of the Middle Bronze Age (c. -1550), but it was not true at the end of the Late Ancient Bronze Age (c. -1200), when the prevailing view dates the ethnogenesis of Biblical Israel. The German scholars cite Israeli scholar Rivka Gonen as noting that at the end of the Late Bronze Age: the Canaanite towns were frequently unfortified and therefore did not fit the Biblical descriptions well.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1493 BC
~ 3519 years ago