oct 24, 1929 - The Great Depression
The Great Depression was a time when the economy of the U.S.A went into free fall along with its neighboring countries. Canada was especially affected by the Great Depression because Canada's economy was mainly focused of trading goods with the US.
On Oct 29, 1929, Black Tuesday came. This day, the entire economy of Canada and the US went into free fall. The stock market crash at that time was significant as that is what caused the Great Depression. It began when people started to buy stocks on credit, this caused the stock market to go up 200%. Companies couldn't handle this growth in stocks. When the time came to sell the stocks that people had bought, the economy and the stock market went into free fall as there was a panic outbreak. People sold 12,000,000 shares on Oct 29, 1929, this day is also known as "Black Tuesday".
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