June 15, 2024

jan 6, 2021 - Сollapse of American democracy


America is no longer a superpower, but a banana republic.
In the United States, an information dictatorship has been established. Trump was banned from the main social networks. This is how freedom of speech in the United States is dying. This happened after the storming of the Capitol. All US statesmen recognized this as an uprising, but in other countries (Ukraine, Hong Kong, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and the Middle East), they call such actions the legitimate right of the people to revolt and rally. Two-faced bastards.
On January 21 a feeble-minded old man, Joseph Biden, became President of the United States. He managed to offend Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese diplomats and the Saudi Prince.
On July 6, the Americans withdrew troops from their largest base in Afghanistan. On August 15, the Taliban captured the capital of Afghanistan - Kabul, and the president of Afghanistan fled abroad.
On August 26, a major terrorist attack occurred at the Kabul airport during the evacuation of American soldiers. More than 100 people were killed, including 13 American soldiers. It's a shame, old Joe.
On August 30, the Americans finally withdrew their troops from Afghanistan. Hurray!

Added to timeline:


jan 6, 2021
~ 3 years and 5 months ago

